<?php namespace App\Providers; use Laravel\Spark\Spark; use Laravel\Spark\Providers\AppServiceProvider as ServiceProvider; class SparkServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider { /** * Your application and company details. * * @var array */ protected $details = [ 'vendor' => 'Your Company', 'product' => 'Your Product', 'street' => 'PO Box 111', 'location' => 'Your Town, NY 12345', 'phone' => '555-555-5555', ]; /** * The address where customer support e-mails should be sent. * * @var string */ protected $sendSupportEmailsTo = null; /** * All of the application developer e-mail addresses. * * @var array */ protected $developers = [ // ]; /** * Indicates if the application will expose an API. * * @var bool */ protected $usesApi = true; /** * Finish configuring Spark for the application. * * @return void */ public function booted() { Spark::useStripe()->noCardUpFront()->teamTrialDays(10); Spark::freeTeamPlan() ->features([ 'First', 'Second', 'Third' ]); Spark::teamPlan('Basic', 'provider-id-1') ->price(10) ->features([ 'First', 'Second', 'Third' ]); } }