'ASC', ); protected $_has_one = array( 'DOMAIN'=>array('foreign_key'=>'DOMAIN_NAME','far_key'=>'DOMAIN_NAME'), ); protected $_has_many = array( 'ACTLOG'=>array('foreign_key'=>'NODENAME','far_key'=>'NODE_NAME'), 'FILESPACE'=>array('foreign_key'=>'NODE_NAME','far_key'=>'NODE_NAME'), 'VOLUMEUSAGE'=>array('foreign_key'=>'NODE_NAME','far_key'=>'NODE_NAME'), 'ASSOCIATION'=>array('foreign_key'=>'NODE_NAME','far_key'=>'NODE_NAME'), 'MGMTCLASS'=>array('foreign_key'=>'DOMAIN_NAME','far_key'=>'DOMAIN_NAME'), 'CLIENTOPT'=>array('foreign_key'=>'OPTIONSET_NAME','far_key'=>'OPTION_SET'), 'SUMMARY'=>array('foreign_key'=>'ENTITY','far_key'=>'NODE_NAME'), 'EVENT'=>array('foreign_key'=>'NODE_NAME','far_key'=>'NODE_NAME'), 'OCC'=>array('foreign_key'=>'NODE_NAME','far_key'=>'NODE_NAME'), ); protected $_display_filters = array( 'REG_TIME'=>array( array('ORM_TSM::Date',array(':value','d-M-Y')), ), 'PWSET_TIME'=>array( array('ORM_TSM::Date',array(':value','d-M-Y')), ), 'LASTACC_TIME'=>array( array('ORM_TSM::Date',array(':value','d-M-Y')), ), 'LASTSESS_SENT'=>array( array('number_format',array(':value',0)), ), 'LASTSESS_RECVD'=>array( array('number_format',array(':value',0)), ), 'LASTSESS_DURATION'=>array( array('number_format',array(':value',2)), ), 'LASTSESS_IDLEWAIT'=>array( array('number_format',array(':value',2)), ), 'LASTSESS_COMMWAIT'=>array( array('number_format',array(':value',2)), ), 'LASTSESS_MEDIAWAIT'=>array( array('number_format',array(':value',2)), ), ); protected $_custom_cols = array( 'EMAILADDRESS', 'FORCEPWRESET', 'PASSWORD', 'USERID', ); /** * Get all the ACTIVITIY LOG for this NODE */ private function _actlog() { Log::instance()->add(LOG::DEBUG,'ENTER :method',array(':method'=>__METHOD__)); $k = sprintf('%s-%s',__METHOD__,$this->NODE_NAME); $c = Kohana::$config->load('tsm')->cache; if (is_null($result = Cache::instance($c)->get($k))) { // We cant load all records here, like we do with the others, there is too much data! $result = $this->ACTLOG->find_all(); // @todo Cache time should be configurble Cache::instance($c)->set($k,$result,300); } Log::instance()->add(LOG::DEBUG,'EXIT :method',array(':method'=>__METHOD__)); return $result; } /** * Get all the ACTIVITY SUMMARY for this NODE */ private function _actsum() { Log::instance()->add(LOG::DEBUG,'ENTER :method',array(':method'=>__METHOD__)); $k = sprintf('%s-%s',__METHOD__,$this->NODE_NAME); $c = Kohana::$config->load('tsm')->cache; if (is_null($result = Cache::instance($c)->get($k))) { $result = array(); // In the interest of performance, we load all the records and get PHP to process it. // Our ORM caching we reduce the hit on TSM. foreach (ORM::factory('ACTSUM')->find_all() as $o) if ($o->ENTITY == $this->NODE_NAME) array_push($result,$o); // @todo Cache time should be configurble Cache::instance($c)->set($k,$result,300); } Log::instance()->add(LOG::DEBUG,'EXIT :method',array(':method'=>__METHOD__)); return $result; } /** * Get all the FILESPACES for this NODE */ private function _filespaces() { $result = array(); // In the interest of performance, we load all the records and get PHP to process it. // Our ORM caching we reduce the hit on TSM. foreach (ORM::factory('FILESPACE')->find_all() as $o) if ($o->NODE_NAME == $this->NODE_NAME) array_push($result,$o); return $result; } /** * Get all the OCCUPANCY for this NODE */ private function _occupancy() { Log::instance()->add(LOG::DEBUG,'ENTER :method',array(':method'=>__METHOD__)); $k = sprintf('%s-%s',__METHOD__,$this->NODE_NAME); $c = Kohana::$config->load('tsm')->cache; if (is_null($result = Cache::instance($c)->get($k))) { $result = array(); // In the interest of performance, we load all the records and get PHP to process it. // Our ORM caching we reduce the hit on TSM. foreach (ORM::factory('OCC')->find_all() as $o) if ($o->NODE_NAME == $this->NODE_NAME) array_push($result,$o); // @todo Cache time should be configurble Cache::instance($c)->set($k,$result,300); } Log::instance()->add(LOG::DEBUG,'EXIT :method',array(':method'=>__METHOD__)); return $result; } /** * Get all the VOLUMES for this NODE */ private function _volumeusage() { Log::instance()->add(LOG::DEBUG,'ENTER :method',array(':method'=>__METHOD__)); $k = sprintf('%s-%s',__METHOD__,$this->NODE_NAME); $c = Kohana::$config->load('tsm')->cache; if (is_null($result = Cache::instance($c)->get($k))) { $result = array(); // In the interest of performance, we load all the records and get PHP to process it. // Our ORM caching we reduce the hit on TSM. foreach (ORM::factory('VOLUMEUSAGE')->find_all() as $o) if ($o->NODE_NAME == $this->NODE_NAME) array_push($result,$o); // @todo Cache time should be configurble Cache::instance($c)->set($k,$result,300); } Log::instance()->add(LOG::DEBUG,'EXIT :method',array(':method'=>__METHOD__)); return $result; } /** * Return the version of the TSM client */ public function version() { if ($this->CLIENT_VERSION) return sprintf('%s.%s.%s.%s',$this->CLIENT_VERSION,$this->CLIENT_RELEASE,$this->CLIENT_LEVEL,$this->CLIENT_SUBLEVEL); else return ''; } /** * Return the OS version for the TSM client */ public function platform() { return sprintf('%s %s',$this->PLATFORM_NAME,$this->CLIENT_OS_LEVEL ? '('.$this->CLIENT_OS_LEVEL.')' : ''); } // @todo This needs to return the global configuration. public function passexp() { if ($this->PASSEXP) return 'TBA'; else return _('No Set'); } // @todo This needs to be validated as a correct calculation public function lasttransferpercent() { $x = 100-($this->LASTSESS_IDLEWAIT+$this->LASTSESS_COMMWAIT+$this->LASTSESS_MEDIAWAIT); return $x < 0 ? 0 : $x; } // @todo This needs to be validated as a correct calculation public function lasttransfertime() { if ($this->LASTSESS_DURATION) return $this->LASTSESS_DURATION*($this->lasttransferpercent()/100); else return 0; } // @todo This needs to be validated as a correct calculation public function lastsendperformance() { if ($this->lasttransfertime()) return $this->LASTSESS_SENT/$this->lasttransfertime()/1024/1024; else return 0; } // @todo This needs to be validated as a correct calculation public function lastreceiveperformance() { if ($this->lasttransfertime()) return $this->LASTSESS_RECVD/$this->lasttransfertime()/1024/1024; else return 0; } /** * The last sent aggregate performance */ public function lastsendaggperformance() { if ((real)$this->LASTSESS_DURATION) return $this->LASTSESS_SENT/$this->LASTSESS_DURATION/1024/1024; else return 0; } /** * The last receive aggregate performance */ public function lastreceiveaggperformance() { if ((real)$this->LASTSESS_DURATION) return $this->LASTSESS_RECVD/$this->LASTSESS_DURATION/1024/1024; else return 0; } // @todo This should return the system setting (cloptset), if the node setting is not configured. public function txngroupmax() { return $this->TXNGROUPMAX; } // Test to see if a node has any data of type // @param $type is BACKUP/ARCHIVE/SPACE MANAGED public function hasData($type) { return $this->vols_byctype($type) ? TRUE : FALSE; } public function activity() { Log::instance()->add(LOG::DEBUG,'ENTER :method',array(':method'=>__METHOD__)); $k = sprintf('%s-%s',__METHOD__,$this->NODE_NAME); $c = Kohana::$config->load('tsm')->cache; if (is_null($result = Cache::instance($c)->get($k))) { $result = array(); $result = $this->ACTLOG->ExcludeBA()->find_all(); // @todo Cache time should be configurble Cache::instance($c)->set($k,$result,300); } Log::instance()->add(LOG::DEBUG,'EXIT :method',array(':method'=>__METHOD__)); return $result; } /** * Get all the ACTIVITY LOG information for a SESSION * @param $sid Session ID * @param $start Session Start Time (to illiminate any duplication session data) */ public function actlog_session($sid,$start) { $result = array(); foreach ($this->_actlog() as $alo) if ($alo->SESSION == $sid AND $alo->start() >= $start) array_push($result,$alo); return $result; } /** * Return the ACTIVITY of this NODE * @param $type is Bkup/Arch/SpMg */ public function act_bybtype($type) { Log::instance()->add(LOG::DEBUG,'ENTER :method',array(':method'=>__METHOD__)); $k = sprintf('%s-%s-%s',__METHOD__,$this->NODE_NAME,$type); $c = Kohana::$config->load('tsm')->cache; if (is_null($result = Cache::instance($c)->get($k))) { $result = array(); foreach ($this->_actsum() as $aso) if ($aso->ACTIVITY == $this->datatypemap($type)) array_push($result,$aso); Sort::MASort($result,'SCHEDULE_NAME,START_TIME'); // @todo Cache time should be configurble Cache::instance($c)->set($k,$result,300); } Log::instance()->add(LOG::DEBUG,'EXIT :method',array(':method'=>__METHOD__)); return $result; } /** * Return the Schedules used for all activites of type * @param $type is Bkup/Arch/SpMg */ public function act_schedules($type) { $result = array(); foreach ($this->act_bybtype($type) as $ao) if (! in_array($ao->SCHEDULE_NAME,$result)) array_push($result,$ao->SCHEDULE_NAME); return $result; } /** * Return the BACKUP TYPES used by this NODE * ie: Bkup/Arch/SpMg */ public function btypes() { Log::instance()->add(LOG::DEBUG,'ENTER :method',array(':method'=>__METHOD__)); $k = sprintf('%s-%s',__METHOD__,$this->NODE_NAME); $c = Kohana::$config->load('tsm')->cache; if (is_null($result = Cache::instance($c)->get($k))) { $result = array(); foreach ($this->_occupancy() as $oo) if (! in_array($oo->TYPE,$result)) array_push($result,$oo->TYPE); // @todo Cache time should be configurble Cache::instance($c)->set($k,$result,300); } Log::instance()->add(LOG::DEBUG,'EXIT :method',array(':method'=>__METHOD__)); return $result; } /** * Return the total of a field for this NODE has by backup TYPE * @param $field the field to check * @param $data the value of that field to match * @param $metric is metric of the storpage pool, eg: NUM_FILES */ private function _data_int($field,$data,$metric) { Log::instance()->add(LOG::DEBUG,'ENTER :method',array(':method'=>__METHOD__)); $k = sprintf('%s-%s-%s-%s-%s',__METHOD__,$this->NODE_NAME,$field,$data,$metric); $c = Kohana::$config->load('tsm')->cache; if (is_null($result = Cache::instance($c)->get($k))) { $result = 0; foreach ($this->_occupancy() as $oo) if ($oo->{$field} == $data) $result += $oo->{$metric}; // @todo Cache time should be configurble Cache::instance($c)->set($k,$result,300); } Log::instance()->add(LOG::DEBUG,'EXIT :method',array(':method'=>__METHOD__)); return $result; } /** * Return the data that this NODE has in a STORAGE POOL by backup TYPE * @param $pool is STORAGE POOL NAME * @param $metric is metric of the storpage pool, eg: NUM_FILES * @param $type is Bkup/Arch/SpMg */ private function _data_bypoolbybtype($pool,$metric,$type) { Log::instance()->add(LOG::DEBUG,'ENTER :method',array(':method'=>__METHOD__)); $k = sprintf('%s-%s-%s-%s-%s',__METHOD__,$this->NODE_NAME,$pool,$metric,$type); $c = Kohana::$config->load('tsm')->cache; if (is_null($result = Cache::instance($c)->get($k))) { $result = 0; foreach ($this->_occupancy() as $oo) if ($oo->STGPOOL_NAME == $pool AND $oo->TYPE == $type) $result += $oo->{$metric}; // @todo Cache time should be configurble Cache::instance($c)->set($k,$result,300); } Log::instance()->add(LOG::DEBUG,'EXIT :method',array(':method'=>__METHOD__)); return $result; } /** * Return the FILES that this NODE has by backup TYPE * @param $type is Bkup/Arch/SpMg */ public function file_bybtype($type) { Log::instance()->add(LOG::DEBUG,'FLYBY :method',array(':method'=>__METHOD__)); return $this->_data_int('TYPE',$type,'NUM_FILES'); } /** * Return the FILES that this NODE has in a STORAGE POOL * @param $pool is STORAGE POOL NAME */ public function file_bypool($pool) { Log::instance()->add(LOG::DEBUG,'FLYBY :method',array(':method'=>__METHOD__)); return $this->_data_int('STGPOOL_NAME',$pool,'NUM_FILES'); } public function file_bypoolbybtype($pool,$type) { Log::instance()->add(LOG::DEBUG,'FLYBY :method',array(':method'=>__METHOD__)); return $this->_data_bypoolbybtype($pool,'NUM_FILES',$type); } /** * Return the FILES that this NODE has in a STORAGE POOL TYPE * @param $type is ACTIVEDATA/PRIMARY/COPY */ public function file_byptype($type) { Log::instance()->add(LOG::DEBUG,'ENTER :method',array(':method'=>__METHOD__)); $result = 0; foreach ($this->stgpools_byptype($type) as $spo) $result += $this->file_bypool($spo); Log::instance()->add(LOG::DEBUG,'EXIT :method',array(':method'=>__METHOD__)); return $result; } public function file_active() { return $this->file_byptype('ACTIVE') == 0 ? 'Unknown' : (int)$this->file_byptype('ACTIVE')/(int)$this->file_byptype('PRIMARY'); } public function file_mediaprotection() { return number_format((int)$this->file_byptype('COPY')/(int)$this->file_byptype('PRIMARY')*100,2); } public function fs() { return $this->_filespaces(); } public function fs_capacity() { $result = 0; foreach ($this->_filespaces() as $fso) $result += $fso->CAPACITY; return (int)$result; } public function fs_data() { $result = 0; foreach ($this->_filespaces() as $fso) $result += $fso->utilsation(); return (int)$result; } public function fs_logical() { $result = 0; foreach ($this->_filespaces() as $fso) $result += $fso->data_logical(); return (int)$result; } public function fs_utilisation() { return round($this->fs_data()/$this->fs_capacity()*100,2); } public function fs_vol($vol) { Log::instance()->add(LOG::DEBUG,'ENTER :method',array(':method'=>__METHOD__)); $k = sprintf('%s-%s-%s',__METHOD__,$this->NODE_NAME,$vol); $c = Kohana::$config->load('tsm')->cache; if (is_null($result = Cache::instance($c)->get($k))) { $result = array(); foreach ($this->_volumeusage() as $vuo) if ($vuo->VOLUME_NAME == $vol AND ! in_array($vuo->FILESPACE_NAME,$result)) array_push($result,$vuo->FILESPACE); Sort::MASort($result,'FILESPACE_NAME'); // @todo Cache time should be configurble Cache::instance($c)->set($k,$result,300); } Log::instance()->add(LOG::DEBUG,'EXIT :method',array(':method'=>__METHOD__)); return $result; } /** * Return a Graph of the BA Client Sessions * @param $type is Bkup/Arch/SpMg * @see [node/ajaxjson_basessions] */ public function graph_basessions($type='Bkup',$schedule='') { $chart = 'ComboChart'; $google = GoogleChart::factory($chart) ->div(sprintf('bas_%s_%s',$type,$schedule)) ->dataurl(URL::site(sprintf('node/ajaxjson_basessions/%s?c=%s&s=%s&t=%s',$this->NODE_NAME,$chart,$schedule,$type))); return (string)$google; } /** * Return a Graph of the Schedule Backup Activity * @param $type is Bkup/Arch/SpMg * @see [node/ajaxjson_schedules] */ public function graph_schedules($type='Bkup',$schedule='') { $chart = 'ComboChart'; $google = GoogleChart::factory($chart) ->div(sprintf('sch_%s_%s',$type,$schedule)) ->dataurl(URL::site(sprintf('node/ajaxjson_schedules/%s?c=%s&s=%s&t=%s',$this->NODE_NAME,$chart,$schedule,$type))); return (string)$google; } /** * Return the LOGICAL_MB that this NODE has by backup TYPE * @param $type is Bkup/Arch/SpMg */ public function logmb_bybtype($type) { Log::instance()->add(LOG::DEBUG,'FLYBY :method',array(':method'=>__METHOD__)); return $this->_data_int('TYPE',$type,'LOGICAL_MB'); } /** * Return the LOGICAL_MB that this NODE has in a STORAGE POOL * @param $pool is STORAGE POOL NAME */ public function logmb_bypool($pool) { Log::instance()->add(LOG::DEBUG,'FLYBY :method',array(':method'=>__METHOD__)); return $this->_data_int('STGPOOL_NAME',$pool,'LOGICAL_MB'); } public function logmb_bypoolbybtype($pool,$type) { Log::instance()->add(LOG::DEBUG,'FLYBY :method',array(':method'=>__METHOD__)); return $this->_data_bypoolbybtype($pool,'LOGICAL_MB',$type); } /** * Return the FILES that this NODE has in a STORAGE POOL TYPE * @param $type is ACTIVEDATA/PRIMARY/COPY */ public function logmb_byptype($type) { Log::instance()->add(LOG::DEBUG,'ENTER :method',array(':method'=>__METHOD__)); $result = 0; foreach ($this->stgpools_byptype($type) as $spo) $result += $this->logmb_bypool($spo); Log::instance()->add(LOG::DEBUG,'EXIT :method',array(':method'=>__METHOD__)); return $result; } public function occupancy() { return $this->_occupancy(); } /** * Return the STORAGE POOLS this NODE has data in */ public function stgpools() { Log::instance()->add(LOG::DEBUG,'ENTER :method',array(':method'=>__METHOD__)); $k = sprintf('%s-%s',__METHOD__,$this->NODE_NAME); $c = Kohana::$config->load('tsm')->cache; if (is_null($result = Cache::instance($c)->get($k))) { $x = $result = array(); foreach ($this->_occupancy() as $oo) if (! in_array($oo->STGPOOL_NAME,$x)) { array_push($result,$oo->STGPOOL); array_push($x,$oo->STGPOOL_NAME); } // @todo Cache time should be configurble Cache::instance($c)->set($k,$result,300); } Log::instance()->add(LOG::DEBUG,'EXIT :method',array(':method'=>__METHOD__)); return $result; } /** * Return the STORAGE POOL TYPES used by this NODE * ie: ACTIVE/PRIMARY/COPY * @todo This should be sorted by PRIMARY/ACTIVE/COPY */ public function stgpooltypes() { Log::instance()->add(LOG::DEBUG,'ENTER :method',array(':method'=>__METHOD__)); $k = sprintf('%s-%s',__METHOD__,$this->NODE_NAME); $c = Kohana::$config->load('tsm')->cache; if (is_null($result = Cache::instance($c)->get($k))) { $result = array(); foreach ($this->stgpools() as $spo) if (! in_array($spo->POOLTYPE,$result)) array_push($result,$spo->POOLTYPE); // @todo Cache time should be configurble Cache::instance($c)->set($k,$result,300); } Log::instance()->add(LOG::DEBUG,'EXIT :method',array(':method'=>__METHOD__)); return $result; } /** * Return the STORAGE POOLS that this NODE uses by BACKUP TYPE * @param $type is Bkup/Arch/SpMg */ public function stgpools_bybtype($type) { Log::instance()->add(LOG::DEBUG,'ENTER :method',array(':method'=>__METHOD__)); $k = sprintf('%s-%s-%s',__METHOD__,$this->NODE_NAME,$type); $c = Kohana::$config->load('tsm')->cache; if (is_null($result = Cache::instance($c)->get($k))) { $x = $result = array(); foreach ($this->_occupancy() as $oo) if ($oo->TYPE == $type AND ! in_array($oo->STGPOOL_NAME,$x)) { array_push($result,$oo->STGPOOL); array_push($x,$oo->STGPOOL_NAME); } // @todo Cache time should be configurble Cache::instance($c)->set($k,$result,300); } Log::instance()->add(LOG::DEBUG,'EXIT :method',array(':method'=>__METHOD__)); return $result; } /** * Return the STORAGE POOLS that this NODE uses by BACKUP TYPE * @param $type is ACTIVEDATA/PRIMARY/COPY */ public function stgpools_byptype($type) { Log::instance()->add(LOG::DEBUG,'ENTER :method',array(':method'=>__METHOD__)); $k = sprintf('%s-%s-%s',__METHOD__,$this->NODE_NAME,$type); $c = Kohana::$config->load('tsm')->cache; if (is_null($result = Cache::instance($c)->get($k))) { $result = array(); foreach ($this->stgpools() as $spo) if ($spo->POOLTYPE == $type) array_push($result,$spo); // @todo Cache time should be configurble Cache::instance($c)->set($k,$result,300); } Log::instance()->add(LOG::DEBUG,'EXIT :method',array(':method'=>__METHOD__)); return $result; } public function vols_bybtype($type) { return $this->vols_byctype($this->datatypemap($type)); } private function _vols_metric($metric,$data) { Log::instance()->add(LOG::DEBUG,'ENTER :method',array(':method'=>__METHOD__)); $k = sprintf('%s-%s-%s-%s',__METHOD__,$this->NODE_NAME,$metric,$data); $c = Kohana::$config->load('tsm')->cache; if (is_null($result = Cache::instance($c)->get($k))) { $x = $result = array(); foreach ($this->_volumeusage() as $vuo) if ($vuo->{$metric} == $data AND ! in_array($vuo->VOLUME_NAME,$x)) { array_push($result,$vuo->VOLUME); array_push($x,$vuo->VOLUME_NAME); } Sort::MASort($result,'VOLUME_NAME'); // @todo Cache time should be configurble Cache::instance($c)->set($k,$result,300); } Log::instance()->add(LOG::DEBUG,'EXIT :method',array(':method'=>__METHOD__)); return $result; } /** * Return the VOLUMES that this NODE uses by BACKUP TYPE * @param $type is BACKUP/ARCHIVE/SPACE MANAGED */ public function vols_byctype($type) { return $this->_vols_metric('COPY_TYPE',$type); } /** * Return the VOLUMES that this NODE uses * @param $pool is STORAGE POOL NAME */ public function vols_bypool($pool) { return $this->_vols_metric('STGPOOL_NAME',$pool); } /** * Return the VOLUMES that this NODE has in a STORAGE POOL TYPE * @param $type is ACTIVEDATA/PRIMARY/COPY */ public function vols_byptype($type) { Log::instance()->add(LOG::DEBUG,'ENTER :method',array(':method'=>__METHOD__)); $result = array(); foreach ($this->stgpools_byptype($type) as $spo) $result = array_merge($result,$this->vols_bypool($spo)); Log::instance()->add(LOG::DEBUG,'EXIT :method',array(':method'=>__METHOD__)); return $result; } /** * Return the VOLUMES that this NODE uses by POOL and BACKUP TYPE * @param $pool is STORAGE POOL NAME * @param $type is Bkup/Arch/SpMg */ public function vols_bypoolbybtype($pool,$type) { return $this->vols_bypoolbyctype($pool,$this->datatypemap($type)); } /** * Return the VOLUMES that this NODE uses by POOL and BACKUP TYPE * @param $pool is STORAGE POOL NAME * @param $type is BACKUP/ARCHIVE/SPACE MANAGED */ public function vols_bypoolbyctype($pool,$type) { Log::instance()->add(LOG::DEBUG,'ENTER :method',array(':method'=>__METHOD__)); $k = sprintf('%s-%s-%s-%s',__METHOD__,$this->NODE_NAME,$pool,$type); $c = Kohana::$config->load('tsm')->cache; if (is_null($result = Cache::instance($c)->get($k))) { $result = array(); foreach ($this->_volumeusage() as $vuo) if ($vuo->STGPOOL_NAME == $pool AND $vuo->COPY_TYPE == $type AND ! in_array($vuo->VOLUME_NAME,$result)) array_push($result,$vuo->VOLUME); Sort::MASort($result,'VOLUME_NAME'); // @todo Cache time should be configurble Cache::instance($c)->set($k,$result,300); } Log::instance()->add(LOG::DEBUG,'EXIT :method',array(':method'=>__METHOD__)); return $result; } public function volumeusage() { return $this->_volumeusage(); } } ?>