'someproblems'=>'There were some problems with your input.',
'siginsession'=>'Sign in to start your session',
'remember'=>'Remember Me',
'buttonsign'=>'Sign In',
'forgotpassword'=>'I forgot my password',
'registermember'=>'Register a new membership',
'terms'=>'I agree to the terms',
'conditions'=>'Terms and conditions',
'membreship'=>'I already have a membership',
'passwordclickreset'=>'Click here to reset your password:',
'signGithub'=>'Sign in using Github',
'signFacebook'=>'Sign in using Facebook',
'signTwitter'=>'Sign in using Twitter',
'signGoogle+'=>'Sign in using Google+',
'signLinkedin'=>'Sign in using Linkedin',
'signW3id'=>'Sign in using W3id',
'signIBMid'=>'Sign in using IBMid',
'sendpassword'=>'Send Password Reset Link',
'passwordreset'=>'Reset password',
'pagenotfound'=>'Page not found',
'404error'=>'404 Error Page',
'notfindpage'=>'We could not find the page you were looking for.',
'mainwhile'=>'Meanwhile, you may',
'returndashboard'=>'return to dashboard',
'usingsearch'=>'or try using the search form.',
'servererror'=>'Server Error',
'500error'=>'500 Error Page',
'somethingwrong'=>'Something went wrong.',
'wewillwork'=>'We will work on fixing that right away.',
'serviceunavailable'=>'Service unavailable',
'503error'=>'503 Error Page',
'recentactivity'=>'Recent Activity',
'descriptionpackage'=>'A Laravel 5 package that switchs default Laravel scaffolding/boilerplate to AdminLTE template',
'createdby'=>'Created by',
'seecode'=>'See code at',
'anotherlink'=>'Another Link',
'linklevel2'=>'Link in level2',
'birthday'=>'Langdon\'s Birthday',
'birthdaydate'=>'Will be 23 on April 24th',
'progress'=>'Tasks Progress',
'customtemplate'=>'Custom Template Design',
'statstab'=>'Stats Tab Content',
'generalset'=>'General Settings',
'reportpanel'=>'Report panel usage',
'informationsettings'=>'Some information about this general settings option',
'togglenav'=>'Toggle navigation',
'tabmessages'=>'You have 4 messages',
'supteam'=>'Support Team',
'awesometheme'=>'Why not buy a new awesome theme?',
'allmessages'=>'See All Messages',
'notifications'=>'You have 10 notifications',
'newmembers'=>'5 new members joined today',
'viewall'=>'View all',
'tasks'=>'You have 9 tasks',
'alltasks'=>'View all tasks',
'desbuttons'=>'Design some buttons',
'membersince'=>'Member since',
'signout'=>'Sign out',
'landingdescription'=>'Laravel 5 package that switchs default Laravel scaffolding/boilerplate to AdminLTE template with Bootstrap 3.0 and Pratt Landing page',
'landingdescriptionpratt'=>'Acacha AdminLTE Laravel package template Landing page - Using Pratt',
'laravelpackage'=>'5 package that switchs default Laravel',
'templatewith'=>'template with',
'gedstarted'=>'Get Started!',
'amazing'=>'Amazing admin template',
'basedadminlte'=>'Based on adminlte bootstrap theme',