'', // No scope required 'chat.delete'=>'chat:write', 'chat.postEphemeral'=>'chat:write', 'chat.postMessage'=>'chat:write', 'chat.update'=>'chat:write', 'conversations.history'=>'channels:history', // Also need groups:history for Private Channels and im:history for messages to the bot. 'conversations.info'=>'channels:history', // (channels:read) Also need groups:read for Private Channels 'conversations.list'=>'channels:read', 'conversations.replies'=>'channels:history', // Also need groups:history for Private Channels 'dialog.open'=>'', // No scope required 'pins.add'=>'pins:write', 'pins.remove'=>'pins:write', 'chat.scheduleMessage'=>'chat:write', 'chat.scheduledMessages.list'=>'', 'team.info'=>'team:read', 'views.open'=>'', // No scope required 'views.publish'=>'', // No scope required 'views.push'=>'', // No scope required 'views.update'=>'', // No scope required 'users.conversations'=>'channels:read', 'users.info'=>'users:read', ]; // Our slack token to use private Token $_token; public function __construct(Team $o) { $this->_token = $o->token; Log::debug(sprintf('%s:Slack API with token [%s]',static::LOGKEY,$this->_token ? $this->_token->token_hidden : NULL),['m'=>__METHOD__]); } public function authTest(): Test { Log::debug(sprintf('%s:Auth Test',static::LOGKEY),['m'=>__METHOD__]); return new Test($this->execute('auth.test',[])); } /** * Delete a message in a channel * * @param string $channel * @param string $timestamp * @return Generic * @throws SlackException */ public function deleteChat(string $channel,string $timestamp): Generic { Log::debug(sprintf('%s:Delete Message [%s] in [%s]',static::LOGKEY,$timestamp,$channel),['m'=>__METHOD__]); return new Generic($this->execute('chat.delete',['channel'=>$channel,'ts'=>$timestamp])); } /** * Open a dialogue with the user * * @param string $trigger * @param string $dialog * @return Generic * @throws SlackException */ public function dialogOpen(string $trigger,string $dialog): Generic { Log::debug(sprintf('%s:Open a Dialog',static::LOGKEY),['m'=>__METHOD__,'d'=>$dialog,'t'=>$trigger]); return new Generic($this->execute('dialog.open',['dialog'=>$dialog,'trigger_id'=>$trigger])); } /** * Get Messages on a channel from a specific timestamp * * @param string $channel * @param string $timestamp * @param int $limit * @return Generic * @throws SlackException */ public function getChannelHistory(string $channel,string $timestamp,int $limit=20): Generic { Log::debug(sprintf('%s:Message History for Channel [%s] from Timestamp [%s]',static::LOGKEY,$channel,$timestamp),['m'=>__METHOD__]); return new Generic($this->execute('conversations.history',['channel'=>$channel,'oldest'=>$timestamp,'limit'=>$limit],TRUE)); } /** * Get information on a channel. * * @param string $channel * @return Generic * @throws SlackException */ public function getChannelInfo(string $channel): Generic { Log::debug(sprintf('%s:Channel Information [%s]',static::LOGKEY,$channel),['m'=>__METHOD__]); return new Generic($this->execute('conversations.info',['channel'=>$channel],TRUE)); } /** * Get a list of channels. * * @param int $limit * @return Generic * @throws SlackException */ public function getChannelList(int $limit=100): Generic { Log::debug(sprintf('%s:Channel List',static::LOGKEY),['m'=>__METHOD__]); return new Generic($this->execute('conversations.list',['limit'=>$limit],TRUE)); } /** * Get all messages from a thread * * @param string $channel * @param string $thread_ts * @return Chat * @throws SlackException */ public function getMessageHistory(string $channel,string $thread_ts): Chat { Log::debug(sprintf('%s:Get Message Threads for Message [%s] on Channel [%s]',static::LOGKEY,$thread_ts,$channel),['m'=>__METHOD__]); return new Chat($this->execute('conversations.replies',['channel'=>$channel,'ts'=>$thread_ts],TRUE)); } /** * Get information on a user * * @param string $team_id * @return ResponseTeam * @throws SlackException */ public function getTeam(string $team_id): ResponseTeam { Log::debug(sprintf('%s:Team Info [%s]',static::LOGKEY,$team_id),['m'=>__METHOD__]); return new ResponseTeam($this->execute('team.info',['team'=>$team_id],TRUE)); } /** * Get information on a user * * @param string $user_id * @return ResponseUser * @throws SlackException */ public function getUser(string $user_id): ResponseUser { Log::debug(sprintf('%s:User Info [%s]',static::LOGKEY,$user_id),['m'=>__METHOD__]); return new ResponseUser($this->execute('users.info',['user'=>$user_id],TRUE)); } /** * Get the list of channels for a user (the bot normally) * * @param User $uo * @param int $limit * @param string|null $cursor * @return ChannelList * @throws SlackException */ public function getUserChannels(User $uo,int $limit=100,string $cursor=NULL): ChannelList { Log::debug(sprintf('%s:Channel List for [%s] (%s:%s)',static::LOGKEY,$uo->user_id,$limit,$cursor),['m'=>__METHOD__]); $args = collect([ 'limit'=>$limit, 'exclude_archived'=>false, 'types'=>'public_channel,private_channel', 'user'=>$uo->user_id, ]); if ($cursor) $args->put('cursor',$cursor); return new ChannelList($this->execute('users.conversations',$args->toArray(),TRUE)); } /** * Migrate users to Enterprise IDs * * @param array $users * @return Generic * @throws SlackException */ public function migrationExchange(array $users): Generic { Log::debug(sprintf('%s:Migrate Exchange [%s] users',static::LOGKEY,count($users)),['m'=>__METHOD__]); return new Generic($this->execute('migration.exchange',['users'=>join(',',$users)],TRUE)); } /** * Pin a message in a channel * * @param string $channel * @param string $timestamp * @return Generic * @throws SlackException */ public function pinMessage(string $channel,string $timestamp): Generic { Log::debug(sprintf('%s:Pin Message [%s|%s]',static::LOGKEY,$channel,$timestamp),['m'=>__METHOD__]); return new Generic($this->execute('pins.add',['channel'=>$channel,'timestamp'=>$timestamp])); } /** * Post a Slack Message to a user as an ephemeral message * * @param Message $request * @return Generic * @throws SlackException */ public function postEphemeral(Message $request): Generic { Log::debug(sprintf('%s:Post a Slack Ephemeral Message',static::LOGKEY),['m'=>__METHOD__,'r'=>$request]); return new Generic($this->execute('chat.postEphemeral',$request)); } /** * Post a Slack Message * * @param Message $request * @return Generic * @throws SlackException */ public function postMessage(Message $request): Generic { Log::debug(sprintf('%s:Post a Slack Message',static::LOGKEY),['m'=>__METHOD__,'r'=>$request]); return new Generic($this->execute('chat.postMessage',$request)); } /** * Schedule a slack message * * @param Message $request * @return Generic * @throws SlackException */ public function scheduleMessage(Message $request): Generic { Log::debug(sprintf('%s:Scheduling a Slack Message',static::LOGKEY),['m'=>__METHOD__,'r'=>$request]); return new Generic($this->execute('chat.scheduleMessage',$request)); } /** * Get the scheduled messages * * @param string|null $request * @return Generic * @throws SlackException */ public function scheduleMessagesList(string $request=NULL): Generic { Log::debug(sprintf('%s:Get the Scheduled Messages in Slack',static::LOGKEY),['m'=>__METHOD__,'r'=>$request]); return new Generic($this->execute('chat.scheduledMessages.list',$request ? ['channel'=>$request] : [])); } /** * Remove a Pin from a message * * @param string $channel * @param string $timestamp * @return Generic * @throws SlackException */ public function unpinMessage(string $channel,string $timestamp): Generic { Log::debug(sprintf('%s:Remove Pin from Message [%s|%s]',static::LOGKEY,$channel,$timestamp),['m'=>__METHOD__]); return new Generic($this->execute('pins.remove',['channel'=>$channel,'timestamp'=>$timestamp])); } /** * Update a Slack Message * * @param Message $request * @return Generic * @throws SlackException */ public function updateMessage(Message $request): Generic { Log::debug(sprintf('%s:Update a Slack Message',static::LOGKEY),['m'=>__METHOD__,'r'=>$request]); return new Generic($this->execute('chat.update',$request)); } public function viewOpen(string $trigger,Modal $view): Generic { Log::debug(sprintf('%s:Open a view',static::LOGKEY),['m'=>__METHOD__,'t'=>$trigger]); return new Generic($this->execute('views.open',['trigger_id'=>$trigger,'view'=>$view])); } /** * Publish a view * * @param string $user * @param Modal $view * @param string $hash * @return Generic * @throws SlackException * @todo Add some smarts to detect if the new view is the same as the current view, and thus no need to post. */ public function viewPublish(string $user,Modal $view,string $hash=''): Generic { Log::debug(sprintf('%s:Publish a view',static::LOGKEY),['m'=>__METHOD__,'u'=>$user,'h'=>$hash]); return new Generic($this->execute('views.publish',$hash ? ['user_id'=>$user,'view'=>$view,'hash'=>$hash] : ['user_id'=>$user,'view'=>$view])); } public function viewPush(string $trigger,Modal $view): Generic { Log::debug(sprintf('%s:Push a view',static::LOGKEY),['m'=>__METHOD__,'t'=>$trigger]); return new Generic($this->execute('views.push',['trigger_id'=>$trigger,'view'=>$view])); } public function viewUpdate(string $view_id,Modal $view): Generic { Log::debug(sprintf('%s:Update a view',static::LOGKEY),['m'=>__METHOD__,'id'=>$view_id]); return new Generic($this->execute('views.update',['view_id'=>$view_id,'view'=>$view])); } /** * Call the Slack API * * @param string $method * @param mixed $parameters * @param bool $asForm * @return object * @throws \Exception * @throws SlackException */ private function execute(string $method,mixed $parameters,bool $asForm=FALSE): object { switch (config('app.env')) { case 'steno': $url = 'http://steno:3000'; break; case 'replay': $url = 'http://steno_replay:3000'; break; default: $url = 'https://slack.com'; } // If we dont have a scope definition, or if the scope definition is not in the token if (is_null($x=Arr::get(self::scopes,$method)) OR (($x !== '') AND ! $this->_token->hasScope($x))) { throw new SlackTokenScopeException(sprintf('Token [%d:%s] doesnt have the required scope: [%s] for [%s]',$this->_token->id,$this->_token->token_hidden,serialize($x),$method)); } $http = Http::baseUrl($url); $http ->withToken($this->_token->token) ->acceptJson(); if ($asForm) { if (! is_array($parameters)) throw new SlackException('Parameters are not an array for a form submission'); $http->asForm(); } elseif ($parameters) { $http->withBody((is_array($parameters) || ($parameters instanceof BlockKit)) ? json_encode($parameters) : $parameters,'application/json'); } try { $request = $http->post(sprintf('/api/%s',$method),$asForm ? $parameters : NULL)->throw(); $response = $request->object(); } catch (\Exception $e) { Log::error(sprintf('%s:Got an error while posting to [%s] (%s)',static::LOGKEY,$url,$e->getMessage()),['m'=>__METHOD__]); throw new \Exception($e->getMessage()); } if ($response->ok) return $response; else switch ($response->error) { case 'already_pinned': throw new SlackAlreadyPinnedException('Already Pinned',$request->status()); case 'channel_not_found': throw new SlackChannelNotFoundException('Channel Not Found',$request->status()); case 'hash_conflict': if (App::environment() == 'local') file_put_contents('/tmp/hash_conflict.'.$method,print_r($response,TRUE)); throw new SlackHashConflictException('Hash Conflict',$request->status()); case 'invalid_auth': throw new SlackNoAuthException('Invalid Auth Token',$request->status()); case 'message_not_found': throw new SlackMessageNotFoundException('Message Not Found',$request->status()); case 'no_pin': throw new SlackNoPinException('No Pin',$request->status()); case 'not_authed': throw new SlackNoAuthException('No Auth Token',$request->status()); case 'not_found': file_put_contents('/tmp/method.'.$method,print_r(['request'=>is_json($parameters) ? json_decode($parameters,TRUE) : $parameters,'response'=>$response],TRUE)); throw new SlackNotFoundException('Not Found',$request->status()); case 'not_in_channel': throw new SlackNotInChannelException('Not In Channel',$request->status()); case 'thread_not_found': throw new SlackThreadNotFoundException('Thread Not Found',$request->status()); case 'account_inactive': // @todo Mark the token/team as inactive default: Log::error(sprintf('%s:Generic Error',static::LOGKEY),['m'=>__METHOD__,'t'=>$this->_token->team_id,'r'=>$response]); throw new SlackException($response->error,$request->status()); } } }