# Leenooks\SQRL Leenooks\SQRL is a laravel module aimed to enable SQRL login to your application. ## Installation To install, run `composer require leenooks/sqrl` ## Configuration ### Laravel [Not Documented Yet] ### Lumen Add to your bootstrap.app `$app->register(Leenooks\SQRL\SQRLServiceProvider::class);` ### Both You'll then need to configure the following: 1. `.env` add the following variables: ``` DB_CONNECTION=sqlite # Your databsae configuration (must the same as SQRL_DATABASE below) ... SQRL_DATABASE=sqlite # Points to the SQRL database connection SQRL_URL_LOGIN=https://site/sqrl/login # URL to the page after successful authentication SQRL_KEY_DOMAIN=site # URL to yours SQRL Server without http:// and https:// SQRL_API_ROUTE=/index.php/api/sqrl # Route to SQRL Server API SQRL_NONCE_MAX_AGE_MINUTES=5 # Max age in minutes of the valid nonce SQRL_NONCE_SALT=RANDOM # Generate a random salt value to calculate the nonce ``` 2. Create your SQLITE database If you havent done so already, create your SQLITE database (unless you are using own database configuration) 3. run migrations `php artisan migrate` 4. enjoy!