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2009-06-30 08:12:47 +00:00
$Header: /cvsroot/phpldapadmin/phpldapadmin/doc/README-translation.txt,v 1.2 2004/02/29 19:59:06 i18phpldapadmin Exp $
This readme is for translators.
phpLDAPadmin support the languages
* en, of course
* de, german
* es, spanish
* fr, french
* it, italien
* nl, netherland
* pl, polish
* pt-br, portuguese (brazilian)
* ru, russian
* sv, swedish
Where are the files located?
All files are unter
How are the files named?
Every language is named by its local representing. For example english en and
british english by en_GB but here we use only en.
Is the location phpldapadmin/lang/ used in the application?
No, there is a Makefile in phpldapadmin/lang/ that converts the
native encoding of the language file to utf8 into the directory
phpldapadmin/lang/recoded. For example the file
phpldapadmin/lang/de.php is converted via the programm iconv to the
the encoding utf8 to the file phpldapadmin/lang/recoded/de.php.
Is there a rule for the form of the translation?
* Yes, all translation is stored in an array called lang[].
* The "mother" of all translation is english (en.php).
* Use your native encoding like iso8859-1 for european
or iso8859-2 for polish.
* Every translation is in single quote "'"
* Don't use html-code in the translation.
* If something should be highlighted we use double quote
Why shouldn't I use html-code?
* No problemens wich htmlspecialchars
* No JavaScript problems
* Open way for other targets like xml or other (only as a idea)
* No problem with "wellformed" output (maybe)
For example the ">" is then convert to ">" that we don't
want, so it is better to use ">". If we have a Char like "&" that is
in the used functions convert to "&" what is correct.
How could I start?
* First, the base for translation is the cvs-Version.
Checkout the cvs-Version and start your translation.
* Create a file that contains your translation.
For me the easiest way was to copy the file phpldapadmin/lang/en.php
to the phpldapadmin/lang/[new-langage].php
That gives the way to put the "original" translation to the "end"
as a comment. Look at the de.php and you know what I mean.
* Modify the Makefile that your langugage is also convert.
How could I see how complete the translation is?
The phpLDAPadmin contains the file phpldapadmin/check_lang_files.php
Open it in your browser and you see how complete your translation is.
* extra entry: if entry is not in the en.php, maybe the value was
changed in en.php or you type in a wrong key.
* missing entry: the entry is missing in the translated langugage
What is zz.php and the zzz.php in the phpldapadmin/lang/?
Well that is not really a language. That is only for developers
and translators.
The zz.php replace all characters in the lang[] to Z. That helps
in finding hardcoding translation in the the source.
The ZZZ.php helps you to find the used "key".
How could I enable the zz and zzz language?
Well, one is to hardcode it in the config.php file. That is not the
best way - but the way that always works.
Mozilla Users do like this:
* from Menu
* Option Navigator->Lanugages
Klick the button "add" and type into "Other" the
language "zz"
* With Move up / Move down you can change your priority.
* With the Button "OK" you can activate your choice.
Do the same if you want to activate/test your translation.