2009-06-30 18:09:20 +10:00
< ? php
2009-06-30 20:26:08 +10:00
// $Header: /cvsroot/phpldapadmin/phpldapadmin/htdocs/create.php,v 2005/12/09 14:29:15 wurley Exp $
2009-06-30 19:22:30 +10:00
2009-06-30 19:29:51 +10:00
2009-06-30 18:05:37 +10:00
* Creates a new object .
2009-06-30 19:29:51 +10:00
* Variables that come in via common . php
* - server_id
2009-06-30 18:05:37 +10:00
* Variables that come in as POST vars :
* - new_dn
* - attrs ( an array of attributes )
* - vals ( an array of values for the above attrs )
* - required_attrs ( an array with indices being the attributes ,
* and the values being their respective values )
* - object_classes ( rawurlencoded , and serialized array of objectClasses )
2009-06-30 19:29:51 +10:00
* @ package phpLDAPadmin
* @ todo : posixgroup with empty memberlist generates an error .
2009-06-30 18:05:37 +10:00
2009-06-30 19:29:51 +10:00
require './common.php' ;
if ( $ldapserver -> isReadOnly ())
2009-06-30 20:26:08 +10:00
pla_error ( _ ( 'You cannot perform updates while server is in read-only mode' ));
2009-06-30 19:29:51 +10:00
if ( ! $ldapserver -> haveAuthInfo ())
2009-06-30 20:26:08 +10:00
pla_error ( _ ( 'Not enough information to login to server. Please check your configuration.' ));
2009-06-30 18:05:37 +10:00
2009-06-30 20:26:08 +10:00
$new_dn = isset ( $_POST [ 'new_dn' ]) ? $_POST [ 'new_dn' ] : null ;
$required_attrs = isset ( $_POST [ 'required_attrs' ]) ? $_POST [ 'required_attrs' ] : false ;
$object_classes = unserialize ( rawurldecode ( $_POST [ 'object_classes' ]));
$redirect = isset ( $_POST [ 'redirect' ]) ? $_POST [ 'redirect' ] : false ;
2009-06-30 19:29:51 +10:00
2009-06-30 20:26:08 +10:00
# See if there are any presubmit values to work out.
2009-06-30 19:29:51 +10:00
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'presubmit' ]) && count ( $_POST [ 'presubmit' ]) && isset ( $_POST [ 'template' ])) {
$templates = new Templates ( $ldapserver -> server_id );
$template = $templates -> GetTemplate ( $_POST [ 'template' ]);
foreach ( $_POST [ 'presubmit' ] as $attr ) {
$_POST [ 'attrs' ][] = $attr ;
$_POST [ 'form' ][ $attr ] = $templates -> EvaluateDefault ( $ldapserver , $template [ 'attribute' ][ $attr ][ 'presubmit' ], $_POST [ 'container' ]);
$_POST [ 'vals' ][] = $_POST [ 'form' ][ $attr ];
2009-06-30 18:07:14 +10:00
2009-06-30 19:29:51 +10:00
# @todo: This section needs to be cleaned up, and will be when the old templates are removed. In the mean time...
# Rebuild the $_POST['attrs'] & $_POST['vals'], as they can be inconsistent.
unset ( $_POST [ 'attrs' ]);
unset ( $_POST [ 'vals' ]);
foreach ( $_POST [ 'form' ] as $attr => $val ) {
$_POST [ 'attrs' ][] = $attr ;
$_POST [ 'vals' ][] = $val ;
2009-06-30 20:26:08 +10:00
$vals = isset ( $_POST [ 'vals' ]) ? $_POST [ 'vals' ] : array ();
$attrs = isset ( $_POST [ 'attrs' ]) ? $_POST [ 'attrs' ] : array ();
2009-06-30 18:05:37 +10:00
2009-06-30 20:26:08 +10:00
# build the new entry
2009-06-30 18:05:37 +10:00
$new_entry = array ();
2009-06-30 20:26:08 +10:00
if ( isset ( $required_attrs ) && is_array ( $required_attrs )) {
foreach ( $required_attrs as $attr => $val ) {
if ( $val == '' )
pla_error ( sprintf ( _ ( 'You left the value blank for required attribute (%s).' ), htmlspecialchars ( $attr )));
$new_entry [ $attr ][] = $val ;
2009-06-30 18:05:37 +10:00
2009-06-30 20:26:08 +10:00
if ( isset ( $attrs ) && is_array ( $attrs )) {
foreach ( $attrs as $i => $attr ) {
if ( $ldapserver -> isAttrBinary ( $attr )) {
if ( isset ( $_FILES [ 'vals' ][ 'name' ][ $i ]) && $_FILES [ 'vals' ][ 'name' ][ $i ] != '' ) {
2009-06-30 19:29:51 +10:00
2009-06-30 20:26:08 +10:00
# read in the data from the file
2009-06-30 18:07:14 +10:00
$file = $_FILES [ 'vals' ][ 'tmp_name' ][ $i ];
2009-06-30 20:26:08 +10:00
$f = fopen ( $file , 'r' );
$binary_data = fread ( $f , filesize ( $file ));
fclose ( $f );
2009-06-30 19:29:51 +10:00
2009-06-30 18:07:14 +10:00
$val = $binary_data ;
2009-06-30 20:26:08 +10:00
$new_entry [ $attr ][] = $val ;
2009-06-30 18:07:14 +10:00
2009-06-30 19:29:51 +10:00
2009-06-30 18:07:14 +10:00
} else {
2009-06-30 19:29:51 +10:00
if ( is_array ( $vals [ $i ])) {
# If the array has blank entries, then ignore them.
foreach ( $vals [ $i ] as $value ) {
if ( trim ( $value ))
$new_entry [ $attr ][] = $value ;
2009-06-30 20:26:08 +10:00
2009-06-30 19:29:51 +10:00
} else {
2009-06-30 20:26:08 +10:00
$val = isset ( $vals [ $i ]) ? $vals [ $i ] : '' ;
2009-06-30 19:29:51 +10:00
2009-06-30 20:26:08 +10:00
if ( '' !== trim ( $val ))
$new_entry [ $attr ][] = $val ;
2009-06-30 19:29:51 +10:00
2009-06-30 18:07:14 +10:00
2009-06-30 18:05:37 +10:00
$new_entry [ 'objectClass' ] = $object_classes ;
2009-06-30 20:26:08 +10:00
if ( ! in_array ( 'top' , $new_entry [ 'objectClass' ]))
2009-06-30 18:05:37 +10:00
$new_entry [ 'objectClass' ][] = 'top' ;
2009-06-30 20:26:08 +10:00
foreach ( $new_entry as $attr => $vals ) {
# Check to see if this is a unique Attribute
if ( $badattr = $ldapserver -> checkUniqueAttr ( $new_dn , $attr , $vals )) {
2009-06-30 19:29:51 +10:00
$search_href = sprintf ( 'search.php?search=true&form=advanced&server_id=%s&filter=%s=%s' ,
$ldapserver -> server_id , $attr , $badattr );
2009-06-30 20:26:08 +10:00
pla_error ( sprintf ( _ ( 'Your attempt to add <b>%s</b> (<i>%s</i>) to <br><b>%s</b><br> is NOT allowed. That attribute/value belongs to another entry.<p>You might like to <a href=\'%s\'>search</a> for that entry.' ), $attr , $badattr , $new_dn , $search_href ));
2009-06-30 19:22:30 +10:00
2009-06-30 20:26:08 +10:00
if ( ! $ldapserver -> isAttrBinary ( $attr ))
if ( is_array ( $vals ))
foreach ( $vals as $i => $v )
$new_entry [ $attr ][ $i ] = $v ;
2009-06-30 19:29:51 +10:00
2009-06-30 20:26:08 +10:00
$new_entry [ $attr ] = $vals ;
2009-06-30 19:22:30 +10:00
2009-06-30 18:07:14 +10:00
2009-06-30 20:26:08 +10:00
# Check the user-defined custom call back first
if ( run_hook ( 'pre_entry_create' , array ( 'server_id' => $ldapserver -> server_id , 'dn' => $new_dn , 'attrs' => $new_entry )))
$add_result = $ldapserver -> add ( $new_dn , $new_entry );
2009-06-30 19:29:51 +10:00
2009-06-30 20:26:08 +10:00
if ( $add_result ) {
run_hook ( 'post_entry_create' , array ( 'server_id' => $ldapserver -> server_id , 'dn' => $new_dn , 'attrs' => $new_entry ));
2009-06-30 19:29:51 +10:00
if ( $redirect )
$redirect_url = $redirect ;
2009-06-30 20:26:08 +10:00
$redirect_url = sprintf ( 'template_engine.php?server_id=%s&dn=%s' , $ldapserver -> server_id , rawurlencode ( $new_dn ));
2009-06-30 19:29:51 +10:00
2009-06-30 20:26:08 +10:00
echo '<html><head>' ;
$tree = get_cached_item ( $ldapserver -> server_id , 'tree' );
$container = get_container ( $new_dn );
2009-06-30 18:05:37 +10:00
2009-06-30 20:26:08 +10:00
if (( isset ( $tree [ 'browser' ][ $container ][ 'open' ]) && $tree [ 'browser' ][ $container ][ 'open' ]) ||
in_array ( $new_dn , $ldapserver -> getBaseDN ())) {
2009-06-30 18:05:37 +10:00
2009-06-30 20:26:08 +10:00
echo '<!-- refresh the tree view (with the new DN renamed) and redirect to the edit_dn page -->' ;
printf ( '<script language="javascript">parent.left_frame.location.reload();location.href="%s"</script>' , $redirect_url );
2009-06-30 18:05:37 +10:00
2009-06-30 19:29:51 +10:00
2009-06-30 20:26:08 +10:00
printf ( '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=%s" />' , $redirect_url );
echo '</head><body>' ;
printf ( '%s <a href="%s">%s</a>.' , _ ( 'Redirecting...' ), $redirect_url , _ ( 'here' ));
echo '</body></html>' ;
2009-06-30 18:05:37 +10:00
2009-06-30 20:26:08 +10:00
} else {
pla_error ( _ ( 'Could not add the object to the LDAP server.' ), $ldapserver -> error (), $ldapserver -> errno ());
2009-06-30 19:29:51 +10:00
2009-06-30 18:05:37 +10:00