2025-01-18 22:08:01 +11:00

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# phpLDAPadmin
phpLDAPadmin is a web based LDAP data management tool for system administrators. It is commonly known and referred by many as "PLA".
PLA is designed to be compliant with LDAP RFCs, enabling it to be used with any LDAP server.
If you come across an LDAP server, where PLA exhibits problems, please open an issue with full details of the problem so that we can have it fixed.
For up to date information on PLA, please head to the [wiki](https://github.com/leenooks/phpLDAPadmin/wiki).
> **NOTE**: GIT **master** is currently in active development, and as such functionality may be missing, broken or not working as expected.
> If you are after a working version of PLA, please use one of the tagged releases.
## Demo
If you havent seen PLA in action, you can head here to the [demo](https://demo.phpldapadmin.org) site.
## Running the docker image
PLA v2 is available via docker for preview. (PLA v2 is still under heavy development.)
The container is the same one used for the demo site - but you'll be able to point it to your local LDAP server and see how things work.
Take a look at the [Docker Container](https://github.com/leenooks/phpLDAPadmin/wiki/Docker-Container) page for more details.
> Please let me know if you have any troubles with the container image, eg: usage of the container itself, or usage when it is pointing to your LDAP server.
> Open an issue (details below) with enough information for me to be able to recreate the problem. An `LDIF` will be invaluable if it is not handling data correctly.
## Version 2 Progress
The update to v2 is progressing well - here is a list of work to do and done:
- [ ] Creating new LDAP entries
- [X] Updating existing LDAP Entries
- [X] Password attributes
- [X] Support different password hash options
- [X] Validate password is correct
- [ ] JpegPhoto Create/Delete
- [X] JpegPhoto Display
- [ ] ObjectClass Add/Remove
- [ ] Add additional required attributes (for ObjectClass Addition)
- [ ] Remove existing required attributes (for ObjectClass Removal)
- [X] Add additional values to Attributes that support multiple values
- [X] Delete extra values for Attributes that support multiple values
- [ ] Delete Attributes
- [ ] Templates to enable entries to conform to a custom standard
- [X] Login to LDAP server
- [X] Configure login by a specific attribute
- [X] Logout LDAP server
- [X] Export entries as an LDAP
- [ ] Import LDIF
- [X] Schema Browser
- [ ] Is there something missing?
Support is known for these LDAP servers:
- [X] OpenLDAP
- [ ] Microsoft Active Directory
If there is an LDAP server that you have that you would like to have supported, please open an issue to request it.
You might need to provide access, provide a copy or instructions to get an environment for testing. If you have enabled
support for an LDAP server not listed above, please provide a pull request for consideration.
## Getting Help
The best place to get help with PLA (new and old) is on [Stack Overflow](https://stackoverflow.com/tags/phpldapadmin/info).
## Found a bug?
If you have found a bug, and can provide detailed instructions so that it can be reproduced, please open an [issue](https://github.com/leenooks/phpLDAPadmin/issues) and provide those details.
Before opening a ticket, please check to see if it hasnt already been reported, and if it has, please provide any additional information that will help it be fixed.
*TIP*: Issues opened with:
* details enabling the problem to be reproduced,
* including (if appropriate) an LDIF with the data that exhibits the problem,
* a patch (or a git pull request) to fix the problem
will be looked at first :)
Over the years, many, many, many people have supported PLA with either their time, their coding or with financial donations.
I have tried to send an email to acknowledge each contribution, and if you havent seen anything personally from me, I am sorry, but please know that I do appreciate all the help I get, in whatever form it is provided.
Again, Thank You.
## License