<html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"><title>Preface and history of the JpGraph library</title><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="manual.css"><meta name="generator" content="DocBook XSL Stylesheets V1.76.0"><link rel="home" href="index.html" title="JpGraph Manual"><link rel="up" href="index.html" title="JpGraph Manual"></head><body bgcolor="white" text="black" link="#0000FF" vlink="#840084" alink="#0000FF"><div class="navheader"><table width="100%" summary="Navigation header"><tr><th colspan="3" align="center">Preface and history of the JpGraph library</th></tr></table><hr></div><div class="preface" title="Preface and history of the JpGraph library"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title"><a name="id2472017"></a>Preface and history of the JpGraph library</h2></div></div></div>
    <p>PHP has over the last 10 years developed from a rather small language for the enthusiasts
      to a major platform for WEB based application development. The reason we call it a platform
      rather than a script language is the fact that when referring to PHP it is impossible not to
      include the very large library of included standard modules which makes it more of a platform
      than a scripting language. As such there are more extensions to PHP both in the form of
      external libraries as well as core language extension than any single person can have a
      working knowledge of. This means that development teams have to select carefully where best to
      invest time and training. So how can the JpGraph extension library motivate its existence?
      Perhaps a quick personal reflection of how this library came about might give some insights. </p>
    <p>When I first became aware of PHP at the end of 1998 the PHP 3 version was the new shiny
      kid on the block after a complete rewrite of the previous PHP2. Initially I proposed to a
      client I was then working for to use this new script language to build some - what was then -
      state of the art interfaces to a legacy mainframe system. As part of that some basic graphic
      capabilities was needed and as part of that work I put together some fairly crude and not very
      generic small library that would just fit the need to my client. This was not a major part of
      the development and it didn't make sense at the time to spend a lot of complex design effort
      into this very small part of the system. After the work for that client was done I felt that I
      should rewrite the small library I put together so that it would be both a little bit more
      generic and also a bit more maintainable. (Side note: As part of the contract with the client
      I was explicitly forbidden to use any object-oriented-technology since my client had been
      terrible burnt by some previous contractors in this area). Hence the original library was
      basically a function library and the first thing that was needed was a proper design using a
      more maintainable OO-design philosophy.</p>
    <p>This rewrite of the library and the "plugin" architecture/framework it is based on tried
      to make the best of the very crude object oriented support available in PHP3 at that time. The
      support available then was almost nothing more then some syntactic sugar. However, the initial
      design from then is almost unchanged to this day, almost 11 years later. To the best of my
      knowledge this makes it one (if not the) oldest object oriented library for PHP that is still
      actively maintained and developed.</p>
    <p><span class="bold"><strong>Philosophy of the manual</strong></span></p>
    <p>Writing a good user manual for feature rich library is a bit of a challenge. Learning to
      efficiently use a library of this size is not a linear undertaking. One start with some
      basics, jump to a bit that is needed at the moment, (perhaps not fully understanding the
      details), and then goes back to the beginning again. This makes writing a manual that suits
      everyone impossible. What we have tried is to mainly follow a "<span class="italic">from-the-basics-to-the-advanced</span>" style as much as possible. </p>
    <p>At certain times we find ourself in the need of some more advanced concept that have not
      yet been introduced. In those circumstances we will briefly introduce the concept before
      making use of it and refer to other parts of the manual that discuss the particular feature in
      more detail. In this way we hope that the more advanced features will at least register as an
      area for further exploration even early on in the study of the library and help build up the
      mental map on what is possible to do in the library. This of course has the result that the
      same information might be in two or three places, but from a slightly different angle, when it
      is needed. This manual is deliberately not a long list of API - a detailed description of all
      API and classes are available in the reference manual.</p>
    <p>A final note on the examples shown in this manual might be in place. It is custom to keep
      introductory examples clean of any real error handling in order to keep them short. We do not
      believe that this is a good idea. Error and exception handling is one of the most crucial part
      in design and implementation of any system. For this reason we have included, where
      appropriate, a basic error handling even though it will make some examples slightly
    <p><span class="bold"><strong>Typographic conventions used in this manual</strong></span></p>
      </p><div class="itemizedlist"><ul class="itemizedlist" type="disc"><li class="listitem">
          <p>Inline code are set in monotype black fonts. Example:
            <code class="code">Graph::Stroke()</code></p>
        </li><li class="listitem">
          <p>Filenames mentioned in running text and in titles are set in bluish monotype font.
            Example: <code class="filename">php.ini</code></p>
        </li><li class="listitem">
          <p>Code snippets or examples are set as block with gray background separated from the
            text with line numbering. If the code snippet is PHP code it will also be syntax
            </p><div class="hl-main"><table class="hl-table" width="100%"><tr><td class="hl-gutter" align="right" valign="top"><pre>1
</pre></td><td class="hl-main" valign="top"><pre><span class="hl-inlinetags">&lt;?php</span><span class="hl-code">
</span><span class="hl-reserved">echo</span><span class="hl-code"> </span><span class="hl-quotes">&quot;</span><span class="hl-string">Hello world!</span><span class="hl-quotes">&quot;</span><span class="hl-code">;
</span><span class="hl-inlinetags">?&gt;</span></pre></td></tr></table></div><p>
          <p>Note that for technical reasons with typesetting this manual even one lines code
            snippets will have a surrounding of PHP tags i.e. <code class="code">&lt;?php</code> and
              <code class="code">?&gt;</code></p>
        </li><li class="listitem">
          <p>Described inline markup tags, i.e. HTML/XML, are set in a dark red color with light
            gray background. Example: <span class="markup">&lt;img&gt;</span></p>
        </li><li class="listitem">
          <p>All generated graphs will have the name of the graph file in the title which is
            hyper-linked to a syntax highlighted full version of the actual source that generated
            the graph. The link is marked with a small icon and an example is shown in <a class="xref" href="pr01.html#fig.link-to-source" title="Figure 1. Link to highlighted graph source">Figure 1. Link to highlighted graph source</a></p>
            </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig.link-to-source"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 1. Link to highlighted graph source</b></p><div class="figure-contents">
              <p><span class="inlinemediaobject"><img src="images/uri-link.png" alt="Link to highlighted graph source"></span></p>
            </div></div><p><br class="figure-break">
        </li><li class="listitem">
          <p>Numbering of sections are only done down to three level depths, e.g. 3.4.2</p>
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